Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Examples of blogs

Here is the link to the collection of blogs I have shown you: There's loads of blogs on there, probably best to check out the Music Video link. I showed you Yasmin's so check it out.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Mood Boards

I thought it might be beneficial to go through some details about mood boards with you, so that you can start to gather images and objects that may inspire you with this project.

A mood board is a collage of your ideas and inspiration for any media work, whether it be web, film or print, in the form of visual representations. It’s like brainstorming, but purely for the development of a design aesthetic and feel, rather than its content.

Mood boards are not just visual representations, they represent the emotion you wish to portray across your work – because it is emotion that creates the look and feel of a design of any kind. So your collage should represent the feelings and emotions you are trying to portray within your music video. Think about connotation and denotation here. Is the actual meaning of your image different to the literal meaning?

Some examples of mood boards:

Your mood board could be made using 'old fashioned' cutting and sticking, like a scrap book, or you could use technology to merge digital images together (it could even be a combination of both, by taking a photo of a real cut-out board and mixig it with digital images).

Your mood board could contain all sorts of things from materials, colours combinations, lighting effects, locations, stills from existing videos, characters, shot types and a whole host of other things.
Final thought...Why stop at images, why not make a multimedia mood board, containing film, photography, music or narration? Only a thought!


We need to finish this Unit by Christmas, including the 2 Ancillary tasks, so here is a rough breakdown of deadlines:

23rd October - Pre-production finished (excluding animatic)
Monday of half term - media studio open to complete animatic & other Pre-production work
1st November - Pre-production complete (ready to shoot next half term)

13th November - Production complete (2 weeks to film)
                         - 1st ancillary draft

26th November - Draft edits completed
                         - 2nd ancillary draft

10h December - Finished video

17th Decmber -  Evaluation complete

No pressure then!!!

Stages of production

This is a rough list of the kinds of things you need to do at each stage of the process:


  • Music video analysis
  • Research into music video directors
  • Treatment
  • Moodboard
  • Pitch to gain feedback
  • Ask artist for permission (Email, Twitter, Myspace Etc)
  • Timeline analysis of chosen song
  • Storyboard
  • Animatic
  • Crew list
  • Shot list
  • Locations list
  • Film test footage/pictures of location reccy
  • Planning rest of Mise En Scene (clothing, props, make-up, effects etc)


  • Choreography
  • Rehearsing
  • Filming


  • Editing
  • Special effects
  • Transitions
  • Synchronising
  • Exporting as suitable file format
  • Marketing

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Sidney Stringer Academy A2 Media Studies Teacher Blog

This is the space that I will post work to do for the A2 coursework element of OCR Media Studies.